Anyone hungry for seafood? If so head on over to Tallahassee. I hear they are just “giving” it away. On top of that fun story you have Nick Saban actually being happy with Lane Kiffin, the SEC setting forth a better way of scheduling, and some beef with how things are going to be done with the college football playoffs. If none of that interests you, then just Google Steve Spurrier. He is still giving us headline material.
At least most Oregon fans got to enjoy their team’s Spring game this weekend. Might I add one more thing … nice uniforms for the spring game Oregon. Oregon will never be done with changing their uniforms until they have tried every combination of the color yellow and green together, but I like it, so keep it up!
1) If you have been living under a rock then you have no idea of what I am talking about when we speak of “Free Seafood University.” Last year we had Johnny Manziel being in the news for partying too much after he won the Heisman.
This year we thought Jameis Winston would have a quiet off season after winning the Heisman with him focusing on baseball … UNTIL NOW! I guess the unlimited free meals for college athletes will not kick in until later because Heisman winner Jameis Winston was caught “stealing” crab legs from the local grocery store. Anyone else caught doing this would have not made national headlines but considering his position in the sports world, everyone and their mother knows about this one. If you want some good laughs, see how the Internet has made some creative memes about the incident
Hearing about this makes one question his character and who he really is. Winston already has a “botched” rape case and theft on his “resume.” He went from NFL draft first round in his future to “lets hope he is not in jail by the time he is available to be drafted.” I guess when you are a successful athlete you truly are above the law. Here is some Jameis Winston highlights … something FSU fans can watch and cherish in case they don’t get to see him play this fall:
2) The SEC just got done with their meetings and assured the College Football World that they would still be doing an 8-game conference schedule. The SEC commissioner is making a rule that each school must play a BCS team once a year for future scheduling.
Everyone is thinking alright, now we can get some great out-of-conference match ups. Unfortunately I don’t think we will see that happening. You do have teams like Alabama and LSU — who will play teams such as Virginia Tech or Wisconsin to spice it up, but fans are afraid the SEC will take this as, “schedule a BCS team such as Indiana or Wake Forest in football.” Those are real barn burners in the college football world … right?
We already have schools such as Florida, who plays FSU, and South Carolina who, plays Clemson every year, as meeting the “new” scheduling expectation. It should be interesting to see how this affects the SEC and future schedules. David Shaw of Stanford was not afraid to speak his mind about the SEC and their “cupcake” schedules after everything was said and done.
3) You thought you would never hear this but supposedly Saban is happy with Kiffin. Everyone college football fans would think they would be mortal enemies due to the “mess” Kiffin caused, while being Tennessee’s coach. Now, the two enemies are having a great spring and look forward to their future together.
Of course, the honeymoon will be over as soon as Alabama’s offense struggles for just one game. Look for the media to be hanging around in Tuscaloosa this off-season just waiting to jump on any statement made by Kiffin that could be ‘bulletin board’ material. With Saban and Kiffin both on the same team, the media will never be far behind to stir the pot. Like the Paparazzi, only better.
Other than that, there is nothing too crazy went on this past week. Most schools are just finalizing up their spring practices and games while other schools are just trying to keep their players out of jail. I imagine more will come out of the Winston Crab Case, and with just less than three months until kick off. Here are some football clips to hold you over until then:
1. Auburn “should” have won
2. Delay the case
3. LSU bike theft
4. Congress and Northwestern
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Jeff Hostetler may not have won a Super Bowl with the Giants ( though his uncle of the same name did). He has been an obsessed college football fan living in Florida ever since the Gators beat FSU in the Sugar Bowl to earn the UF’s first national championship.
Ever since Jeff has immersed himself in everything possible related to college football. He enjoys watching, writing, playing, and otherwise obsessing over all things football. A graduate of the University of Florida, he brings a perspective to FishDuck free of our extreme green & yellow homerism glasses to look at the current landscape of collegiate athletics.