“Everyone has somewhere to go.” Head Coach Mark Helfrich made this statement earlier this week when someone brought up Thanksgiving. I imagine if another player, coach or friend didn’t take in our out-of-state Ducks there would be plenty of fans in the area that would be more than happy to have a few Oregon football players sitting at their table, am I right? I know my family would in a heartbeat!
Being far from home during the holidays is hard; I understand that, as this is my first year in Oregon and my first Thanksgiving without my parents and brother. But you know what I find comfort in knowing, regardless of the distance between us? We can still watch football together!
Personally, I am a Broncos fan (originally born and raised in Denver); however, football is football and if it’s on, you can bet I’ll be watching. Not to mention thinking about it throughout the entire day – it’s Civil War week!
In honor of this wonderful day and week, I have written a little poem for you all:
It is Thanksgiving Day
But our Ducks never rest
As a big game is headed their way
And they intend on playing their best
It is a week of war in Oregon
The Civil War to be exact
No Duck will be a holiday orphan
For Friends-giving is in tact
Thanksgiving isn’t all fun and games
As there is a war to be won
In the back of their minds are the names
Of the players that will soon be done
To continue the winning streak
And the Oregon reputation
We will make the Beavers look weak
And leave Reser Stadium with our salutations
Don’t eat too much Turkey, Beavers
You’ll need all your assets in perfect condition
Because the Ducks are hope stealers
And beating you [again] is our mission.
By McKalie Bellew
I’m not really a poet (giggles) … but I think you get the idea. Happy Thanksgiving, Ducks!
Top Photo by Craig Strobeck
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McKalie Bellew just moved to Oregon from Arizona. She is a sophomore at Lane Community College and moved here to pursue her dream of studying Sports Journalism and Broadcasting at the University of Oregon. Her passion for sports is admirable and her determination and hunger for success in the sports field is fascinating; if you ever have the chance to talk to McKalie face-to-face about sports, you’ll know how much she loves these games just by the way her eyes light up during the conversation. When unable to attend Ducks home games you can find her in front of a television on the edge of her seat, cheering her crazed-fan-head off. McKalie appreciates your feedback and constructive-criticism to help her become a better writer and reporter.