Moderating Kit Introduction
What we have in our forum is supposed to be impossible in today’s culture. What we have is a treasure, and I am grateful that you choose to help keep it that way. I will be working full time, thus it is crucial that we have many moderators watching the posts through the day. I will be available at night and on weekends as I work on my long list of tasks concerning this free site.
My Role: I am providing the platform, the forum, putting out over five thousand dollars in cost, and hundreds of hours in its creation and that of the moderating process.
Your Role: In return I’m asking everyone to do their part by following the rules, and by helping out in giving some time to keep this forum free and safe for all. What we have is so special, and thousands of people are grateful to you and are depending upon us to keep this GREEN REFUGE clean. The quality of posts, the quality of the people in our community is remarkable and makes me work that much more.
Please don’t become alarmed at all the pages of information, as the question to ask that covers 95% of all post violations is quite simple…“is this post polite and respectful to the community?” Do know that I needed to create reference sources for questions and confirmation, and the links will be very handy to have a separate tab or page at the top if you need to compare.