Learning Tips:
–1. To learn and implement best? Have this page open in a tab at the top of your browser, and a tab open of the forum and in the page begun where you want to post a topic or reply. (You can have two tabs of the site open at the same time.)
–2. Watch our videos on how to do each task, and you can then see how easy and quick it can be!
–Everything is created for YOU, the OBD Forum member. So many of the rules, the methods with some of the tasks are all created to make your experience at OBD Forum that much more enjoyable and easy.
-Basic Registration Questions and the Registration Process is explained right here.
-Solving problems when Signing Up, (Registration) and Signing In can be found right here.
-Directions for completing your Profile Page are right here.
–Profile Picture directions are right here for how to add a picture or image that appears next to your name when you post a topic or reply .
–Profile Page Cover Photo uploading directions are right here.
-Directions of how to Post and all the items in the Posting Box–what they are and how to use them are right here.
-How to Report a Post with Inappropriate Content is right here. You have to follow the rules, so help us monitor the posts and let us know as soon as you see something that doesn’t fit in our community!
Need Help? Send me an email describing the issue, and if you don’t mind–a phone number as well in case I wish to call and talk it through. charles@fishduck.com
Before you email me–I spent 10 hours creating the directions, so please take a few minutes to read the directions so that I am not repeating things in an email. Thanks!
Terms to Know:
–Forum Front Page: This is where we start on the site and has a listing of topics to click on, read and reply to.
–Member: Each participant that has signed up to read posts, reply in a topic or post a topic and be a part of this community.
–Guest: A visitor that is reading, but not signed up as a member of this community.
–Topic: On this front page-you see different subjects or topics begun as you scroll down the page and over time–will spill over from the bottom to past pages if you like. You can start one and we invite you too!
–Post: Every time you write in one of these boxes … whether it is a reply to a post, or part of a topic thread or if you start a topic–you do it in a post.
–Pinned Topic: When you see posts at the top of the front page that have a little pin next to it? This means it is pinned to the top regardless of days passing in order to be there when you need to refer to a pinned post.
–Thread: The string of posts in a topic? That is a thread concerning that topic, and the longer the better!
–Off-Topic: (Or OT) We want everyone to stay on-the-topic of a thread. Don’t go off on recruiting when the discussion is about something else. Start a new topic, a new thread with your new topic.
–Sentence Spacing for Easier Reading: Every three or four sentences…hit the “Enter” button twice on your keyboard if you have PC, or the “Return” button twice on your keyboard if you have Mac. This is easy, it helps Greybeard-age members.
–Rules of this forum: we adhere to them without exceptions made, as they have worked for four years and over thousands of posts. Less than half of 1% of all posts are ever deleted, and thus why we will not cut slack for anyone, as we are here to serve the 99.50% who want protection from the Trolls and an escape to a GREEN REFUGE away from the nastiness of the real world. The rules are extensive, and each one is there to due the behaviors of those who have been blacklisted/banned in the past. Take 20 minutes to read them as it will save you grief later. It is simple as all 33 rules come down to this; 1) be polite and respectful, 2) keep it clean, and 3) no reference of any kind to politics. Easy!
–Adaption Period: It takes a while in the beginning for everyone to learn how to tone down the rhetoric, and operate in a debating environment, but where you argue the ideas without going personal.
Technology is wonderful…when it works!