Reading Spaces: Get Your Post Read, and Help Others Too!

The forum Analytics tell me which posts are read the most….or not at all. One fact that is evident from the analytics is that if the content written in a post that does not have “Reading Spaces” inserted every couple of sentences, then it is too hard for people focus and concentrate on it, so they will not read the post. Below are examples No. 1 and No. 2 of continuous text or content that people will just bypass reading, as it takes too much work. (Attention spans on the web are very short)

Fixing them only takes 5-10 seconds, and I ask you to do it for two reasons: 1) this way your post will be read, and 2) this forum is based upon courtesy toward others and this makes it easier for people to read. Be considerate to others and make sure your posts are read!  Example No. 3 below is the fixed final result that only took seconds to implement.

Note the difference between the first two examples below because in example No. 1–the poster needs to hit the “enter” or “return” key on the keyboard twice after a block of text of three or four sentences to create Reading Spaces.  In the second example (No.2) the writer knew to hit “enter” or “return” once after a block of text, but needed to hit it a second time to create a Reading Space. Look at the image below them of a created post, and do know that after you have created your post, you have up to an hour afterward to edit it.

So after you have created your post–go (above) to the three dots (ellipses) in the right corner of your post (red arrow) and click on them. Then click on “edit” in the drop-down menu, (green arrow) and a new window with your post will appear.  Then put your cursor after a block of text (yellow arrows) and hit the “enter” or “return” key either once or twice (depending upon which example below your post is similar to) to create the reading spaces. Click on “Save” at the bottom of this post being edited and you are done!  Easy-Peasy!

Always…after you have posted a new topic thread, or submitted a reply in a thread–check your post!

Note this is not about “paragraph” spaces or punctuation, but making it easier for readers so they will read your post for certain.

Example No. 1:   (The poster needs to hit the “enter” or “return” key on the keyboard twice after a block of text of three or four sentences to create Reading Spaces.)

I cannot recall such a different vibe that I receive from Oregon fans going into this Cal game, as it is so unusual coming out of a bye week. Fans hope to see the team that played so well at Columbus, but are fearful of seeing the Ducks play down to their opponent. Cal is likely the weakest opponent remaining on the schedule, thus it is crucial to get the confidence back and a good groove on both sides of the ball before the remaining Pac-12 schedule. The fans and the pollsters desperately want a big Oregon victory, but that was expected last year as well versus the Golden Bears and it did not come to pass. For some of us fans, we believe that the mental preparation of the football team has been lacking. If there was ever a game to get the mojo back–this is it. This is your GameDay thread and while I do want you to share your thoughts and feelings before, during and after the game–let’s work at keep from venting on each other if things are not going well. Pointing out the negative is fine here, but let’s not do continuous venting as I saw a time or two in the last week. Again, sharing your feelings–even when they are negative about the team–is welcome. (Because I learn so much from all of you!)

Example No. 2:  (The writer knew to hit “enter” or “return” once after a block of text, but needed to hit it a second time to create a Reading Space.)

I cannot recall such a different vibe that I receive from Oregon fans going into this Cal game, as it is so unusual coming out of a bye week. Fans hope to see the team that played so well at Columbus, but are fearful of seeing the Ducks play down to their opponent. Cal is likely the weakest opponent remaining on the schedule, thus it is crucial to get the confidence back and a good groove on both sides of the ball before the remaining Pac-12 schedule.
The fans and the pollsters desperately want a big Oregon victory, but that was expected last year as well versus the Golden Bears and it did not come to pass. For some of us fans, we believe that the mental preparation of the football team has been lacking. If there was ever a game to get the mojo back–this is it.
This is your GameDay thread and while I do want you to share your thoughts and feelings before, during and after the game–let’s work at keep from venting on each other if things are not going well. Pointing out the negative is fine here, but let’s not do continuous venting as I saw a time or two in the last week. Again, sharing your feelings–even when they are negative about the team–is welcome. (Because I learn so much from all of you!)

Example No. 3:   (Corrected Example that will be Read by Everyone!)

I cannot recall such a different vibe that I receive from Oregon fans going into this Cal game, as it is so unusual coming out of a bye week. Fans hope to see the team that played so well at Columbus, but are fearful of seeing the Ducks play down to their opponent. Cal is likely the weakest opponent remaining on the schedule, thus it is crucial to get the confidence back and a good groove on both sides of the ball before the remaining Pac-12 schedule.

The fans and the pollsters desperately want a big Oregon victory, but that was expected last year as well versus the Golden Bears and it did not come to pass. For some of us fans, we believe that the mental preparation of the football team has been lacking. If there was ever a game to get the mojo back–this is it.

This is your GameDay thread and while I do want you to share your thoughts and feelings before, during and after the game–let’s work at keep from venting on each other if things are not going well. Pointing out the negative is fine here, but let’s not do continuous venting as I saw a time or two in the last week. Again, sharing your feelings–even when they are negative about the team–is welcome. (Because I learn so much from all of you!)

Get your post read for certain and help others by creating “Reading Spaces.”  Everyone that is Greybeard-age says THANKS!

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