Good morning, Ducks! It’s Mother’s Day weekend and is the place to come for Mother’s Day gift ideas. If your Mom is the Duck fan that I think she is, one of these shirts may be just the thing to make sure you get the first batch of cookies that come out of the oven. After all, your brother got all of the good stuff when you were kids.
This shirt may take her back to the days when she was in college. Not everyone was born a fan of the Ducks. Some people come to see the light in their late teens or even early twenties. Your Mom will remember the first garment that she purchased when she woke up one day and said, “Gosh, I wish I was a Duck!”

It’s so nice to see wisdom growing before your very eyes.
But the long-time Oregon fan-Mom knows who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Some Moms (who are particularly formidable) take matters into their own hands to make sure that there are more of the former …

… and fewer of the latter.
The Moms that I appreciate the most, though, are the ones that take being an Oregon fan to a frankly ridiculous level. Anything that reminds them of an arch-rival is enough to get their blood boiling. If your Mom is one of these maybe this is the Mom’s Day gift for her.

Just because of the letters? Good for you, Mom.
But you know that, deep down, your Mom has a heart as big as all outdoors. If she sees a kitten with a limp, she’s the first one to try to nurse it back to health. She gives generously to Jerry’s Kids, even if they’re Jerry Springer’s Kids. When your Mom sees someone that is truly struggling with a sickness, she’s first in line to try to make it better. This might be a cause that your Mom could get behind.

Please give generously.
Your Mom is up-to date when it comes to Oregon sports but, as importantly, she knows what is what when it comes to the programs of our nearest rivals.

She keeps a close eye on the happenings in Corvallis, doesn’t she?
But when it comes right down to it, your Mom wants to know that she is special. She wants to know that you have noticed that she doesn’t just follow trends but sets them. Here is a gift to show that your Mom is ahead of the curve.

About 4 months ahead of the curve.
Go Ducks! Give Mom a hug for FishDuck!
[Ed. note: Be sure to order the female version of the tees. Just sayin’.]Top photo by
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Kim Hastings is a 1984 graduate of Northwest Christian College. He cut his journalistic teeth as sports editor of a paper in his home town of Fortuna, CA, and, later as a columnist for the Longview Daily News in Longview, WA.
He saw his first Oregon game in 1977 and never missed a home game from 1981 until a bout with pneumonia cut his streak short in 1997. He was one of the proud 3200 on a bitterly cold night in Shreveport, Louisiana in 1989 for the Independence Bowl, and continues to be big supporter of Oregon sports. He is an active participant on the various Oregon Ducks messageboards as “TacomaDuck.”