There’s a big banner at the Ducks’ practice field, that I’m going to have to paraphrase …
“To be ordinary, keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. To be great, requires the courage to go against tradition.”
This move would require a lot of courage, and I’m well aware it’ll never happen. But since when should reality limit our dreams?
My starting premise is that the Ducks must have a very good runner at QB for their offense to be successful. The examples should be well-known by all. How good was the Ducks’ offense — and the great Marcus — when he couldn’t run?
With all my film watching of Vernon Adams, until the EWU game, I didn’t realize how slow a runner he is. Now if he was a great/very good passer, that lack of running ability might be hidden. But that’s not gonna happen this season with a broken finger. When VA starts to run, I start to cringe.
Jeff Lockie? Aren’t we getting just what we thought we’d get from Jeff? A “solid [ordinary] back-up,” who’s incapable of being real good versus a real good defense.
Taylor Alie? Always has seemed to be a better athlete than Lockie, but he’s still a walk-on for a reason.
We now can’t burn Travis Jonsen’s redshirt year.
So what’s left? Just [according to many] the best athlete on the team — Ty Griffin. Again, I could quote many, but I’ll settle for John Neal.
“When I was standing in the defensive backfield, and Ty Griffin was carrying the ball, it was TERRIFYING. He’s the fastest QB I’ve ever seen, including Marcus Mariota and Michael Vick, who I coached against.”
Griffin also has been mentioned several times as having the strongest arm of any of the QBs. So what’s wrong with him? Obviously it’s his decision making and/or accuracy. But can’t those things be improved? Isn’t that what coaches are supposed to do?
What an incredible up-side; he’s only a soph. Ty’s a very intellectual, bright kid. He moved himself to defense, just to get a chance to play.
As it stands now, “the best athlete on the team” is wasting his time on game days. Dang, we’ve got Colorado and WSU coming up. Chances for this offense to really improve.
So what’ll it be:
(1) a broken-fingered, small but slow VA.
(2) a mediocre, as good as he’s gonna get, Jeff Lockie.
(3) a 5’10 walk-on, Taylor Alie.
(4) Bralon Addison, no meaningful recent QB experience, and might not be as good a runner as Ty Griffin.
Or Helfrich and Frost can say, “F*** IT!” And courageously attempt to produce a great Duck QB?
Top photo from Kevin Cline
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Coach Mike Morris spent 30 years coaching at seven different high schools throughout Southern California. He coached many players who went on to Pac-12 programs including Oregon, such as Saladin McCullough. He is a writer, Football analyst and a good friend of the Principal of the site.