Your Feedback Please: Yellow Background and the Direction of

Charles Fischer, Mr. FishDuck Announcements

Whoa!  Is that background of yellow on the site bright or what? Is it too much?

As many of you know, this site is going through a ton of updating and improvement and I would love your feedback. Since this is a Saturday article in the off-season (when there is not as much to discuss) it seemed like a  perfect time to run some things by you and implement a “color” experiment.

The usual site color that I am working towards is the rich green of the 1994 uniforms, as it was classic and yet a compromise between the forest green of 1999 and the candy apple green of today. When the new theme of the site emerged–I went with the color suggested, but it was a blue-green and did not fit.  What is tough is how a swatch gives you one impression, and when you put it on the whole site–it looks quite different from that swatch. So I’ll be experimenting this summer with refining the shade of green.  What we have now is fine, but it is a shade too much olive within it for me and I’m still striving for the rich green of our past heritage.

I am confident that no matter what color of green I choose–Oregon will come back around to it again sometime!

This yellow that is up now is only going to be there this weekend to check our thoughts on it, and only on occasion in the future if we like it. It was one of the official yellow colors stated by the university; there is a golden yellow, and then this one, of which is more of the “lemon-yellow” that again fits that 1994 era and would be the most consistent example going forward.

So … what do you think of the “yellow” once in a while instead of the green?

I am still trying to nail down this rich “green” of the 1994 uniform.

A Summer of Change for the Site

I love this community of Oregon fans that come to this site; they have not only adapted to the rules of discussion in the comments, but embraced it and made it work far beyond what I thought possible. We have had some very vigorous debates in the last month, with views that were diametrically opposed and fierce. Yet everyone was so classy, and stated their views, their proof and their rationale without taking shots at each other. And in the process we have all learned so much from each other which adds richness to our enjoyment of Our Beloved Ducks.

Please know that we all are part of something never been done in the Duck sphere, and as others have told me, anywhere. Thousands of sites nationally are removing their comment sections entirely as titans such as USA Today, CNN and ESPN are among the most prominent examples because sites have found the labor needed to moderate these sites is too much, and people these days are becoming a bit too nasty. So the national trend is to remove the commenting sections below articles entirely.

Yet we have achieved a robust and superb community of Oregon fans who keep it civilized and refined within their discussions, and it has become a wonderful blessing. I thought for sure my rules would kill all discussions, and in the beginning when I blacklisted so many of the trolls–it did. But as time went on–you saw how we operated and more of you began to join us to where these comment sections are becoming quite a kick to read.

The Logical Next Step…

When you have as many comments in the off-season as what we are seeing, and how many of us want to discuss the other Oregon Sports News of the day–it is apparent that this community is ready for the next step, our own forum that operates with rules and is unlike anywhere else. We are working on this new forum in the background, the Our Beloved Ducks Board, and we hope to have it up within a month. It will be fun to discuss all the issues with this group of devoted Oregon fans, and like the current articles–there will be no ads and it will be free.

Danny O’Neil and that gorgeous green!

Retired? Have some TIME?

It is going to be exciting to have our own protected environment to discuss current events and Oregon Sports News, but I could use some help for a while keeping an eye on things during the day. (I work) Do you have some time to spare? The task is light; just keeping an eye on the comments as a moderator through the day. And this won’t be forever as I need the assistance for a few months. Do let me know by emailing and I thank you being a part of this All-Volunteer site.

So–what do you think of the yellow background versus the green, and having our own forum?

“Oh how we are going to love pondering Our Beloved Ducks that much more on a forum soon!”

Charles Fischer
Eugene, Oregon

Top Photo by John Giustina

New 2024 FishDuck Publishing Schedule….

During the off-season the publishing schedule will consist of articles on Mondays and Tuesdays. Do keep checking as new articles could be published during the week when a writer has something to say.

In mid-August of 2024, we will go back to the seven-days-a-week of articles during the football season as we did in the football season of 2023.

The Our Beloved Ducks Forum (OBD) is where we we discuss the article above and many more topics, as it is so much easier in a message board format over there.  At the free OBD forum we will be posting Oregon Sports article links, the daily Press Releases from the Athletic Department and the news coming out every day.

Our 33 rules at the free OBD Forum can be summarized to this: 1) be polite and respectful, 2) do not tell anyone what to think, feel or write, and 3) no reference of any kind to politics. Easy-peasy!

OBD Forum members….we got your back.  No Trolls Allowed!