Okay, as issues go, this really isn’t a biggie. I know that. Furthermore, I apologize in advance for momentarily hijacking the OBD forum to rant about one of my own personal pet peeves. When I pulled Mr. FishDuck away from his research into whether his current web browser is brave safe, then he certainly agreed that this was one of his annoyances at Oregon games as well.
It’s time to End the Wave at Autzen.
I will share my reasons. First, however, a little background because urban legend has it that the Wave originated at Husky Stadium. It turns out that is probably more urban myth than urban legend, as the official “origin” of the Wave will likely always be contested. This article cites several sources that all contest the notion that it began with the Huskies, although we can blame it on them when convenient.
A case can be made for someone known as Krazy George Henderson, a professional cheerleader for the Oakland Athletics, introducing the Wave. Henderson claims he introduced the Wave at an Athletics’ playoff game against the New York Yankees on Oct. 15, 1981. This event was seen by a national TV audience and captured on film.
Sixteen days later, former UW cheerleader Robb Weller led fans in a Wave at Husky Stadium during the school’s 42-31 victory over Stanford. So, yes, the Huskies probably do get some credit for being Wave Pioneers. However, their claim per “creating” the Wave is just one more example of Husky Hyperbole.
Why end the Wave?
Well, the fact that it is associated with the Fuskies, in whatever way and for whatever reason seems like all we should really have to say. More than that, it’s a distraction from the game and the Wave also feels so much like yesterday’s news.

Isn’t this getting kind of lame? (Screenshot from Oregon Fan Video)
And that is really the point for me. We are the trend setters.
• Uniform combos? Check.
• Blurrrr Offense. Check.
• Billboards on tall buildings. Check.
• Turnover prop turned into signed Nike shoe turned into a fund-raiser for charity. Check.
• Cinematic game recap. Check.
• Head Coach who actually means what he says. Check and Double Check.
We are flash, “…rooted in substance.”
Again, WE are the trend-setters. We are the ones others copy. We are who they want to be. So, I suggest we all “wave goodbye” to the Wave. The Wave is dead.
There is another Wave worth mentioning.
It’s the Hawkeye Wave that happens at the end of the first quarter at Iowa games at Kinnick Stadium. If you are not familiar with it, you should be. It’s referred to as the “…best tradition in college sports,” and certainly, you knew I would find a way to make some Iowa reference-since I am an Iowa transplant in Oregon!
More on the “best” wave in a future B1G article, but for now, do share with me in the only Oregon football forum-with-decorum; shouldn’t we discontinue the wave at Autzen?
Don Marsh
Eugene, Oregon
Top Screenshot for Oregon Fan Video
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I am a transplanted Hawkeye who loves the Ducks because they realize there is more to football than just defense. Owner of Emerald Bridge Club with wife Sherri, and is a past State Champion in Horseshoes.