It is time for the B1G conference to embrace the future, and that future is making Las Vegas the host of its championship game.
It would go a long way in relegating the B1G’s squarish, midwestern image to the rearview mirror as it rings in the era of being a true coast-to-coast conference that embraces Hollywood, Broadway, and all points in between. The current agreement with Indianapolis runs through 2028. If this game is not moved to Las Vegas in 2029 then I will know we need a new B1G commissioner.
Naysayers (i.e. those who hate change) will point out that Indianapolis is more centrally located to the vast majority of B1G schools, and that traveling to Las Vegas would “place a burden on fans.“
My response to that is simple:
First of all (Oregon homer alert!), since the Ducks will be playing in the game every year to eternity, it would benefit at least half of the traveling fans.
And, secondly, let us keep it real, nothing against Indianapolis, but where would you rather travel?
Yeah, me too. And, that benefits all fans.
I know this would create too many logistical challenges, but in a perfect world, would it not be cool if any championship game squaring off a traditional B1G team vs. a traditional Pac-12 team was played in Pasadena as a traditional Rose Bowl matchup? Perhaps they should do that every few years regardless of who is playing, ya know, just for sh—s ‘n giggles.
The Pick
As John Canzano reported, Kenny Wheaton was not at the Washington game. He was simply not invited. Which, I found to be surprising considering this is the 30th anniversary of the biggest play in Oregon history.
At the risk of sounding like a cynic, “the pick” has been overplayed over the years. I have heard this from even the most die-hard Duck fans. Even to the point where they have gotten a little, dare I say, “sick” of it. And, I cannot say that I disagree.
But, at the 30th anniversary, why not have Kenny show up and wave to the crowd for a moment? No harm, no foul. This would have seemed like the right thing to do.
This Week
I was totally pulling for the Wolverines to pull off the upset against the Buckeyes this past Saturday.
I feel the Buckeyes are better than Penn State, and it is always tough to beat a good team twice in the same season. Plus, I want a shot at the “trifecta.” As in beating the traditional, “physical,” B1G bluebloods — OSU, UM, PSU — all in the same season.
I am guessing that has never happened.
(Editor’s note: Actually, Michigan State beat all three in 1965 AND 1966, and hasn’t shut up about it since. Probably.)
So, there you have it folks, I stand corrected by my editor Natalie Liebhaber. Long before Penn State joined the B1G, Michigan State defeated all three of them in back-to-back seasons.
So, here we stand, on the cusp of something that has not been done in nearly 60 years.
Darren Perkins
Spokane, WA
Top photo credit: Eric Becker
Natalie Liebhaber, the Volunteer Editor for this article, works in technology in SLC, Utah
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Darren Perkins is a sales professional and 1997 Oregon graduate. After finishing school, he escaped the rain and moved to sunny Southern California where he studied screenwriting for two years at UCLA. Darren grew up in Eugene and in 1980, at the tender age of five, he attended his first Oregon football game. His lasting memory from that experience was an enthusiastic Don Essig announcing to the crowd: “Reggie Ogburn, completes a pass to… Reggie Ogburn.” Captivated by such a thrilling play, Darren’s been hooked on Oregon football ever since. Currently living in Spokane, Darren enjoys flaunting his yellow and green superiority complex over friends and family in Cougar country.