We want you to put your expertise to work for four hours a week as a volunteer helping this site grow! FishDuck is blessed to have the talents of FIVE retirement age volunteers, and we would love to have YOU contributing your wisdom and donating your skills to serve the devoted Duck fan. The areas we need help in are varied, and if you could donate some time we believe you will find it as rewarding, as the over 50 volunteers already associated with the site do! Let’s look at the openings…….
Management: In all the categories below we have the need for seasoned judgment in managing the young, enthusiastic contributors who sometimes need a little guidance to help their work at FishDuck.com and further their career. Your feedback and teaching can help them make great strides in their chosen avocation, and we have had great satisfaction watching the growth of so many of these young guns.

History writer Jim Maloney
Editors: Have you taught writing or been associated with it for years? We need more editors for specific projects and to backup our current superb team so they get some recharge time. Our need here is especially acute, and if you would like to do some writing as well — we welcome it!
Social Media: Experience here is not necessary, as we will have you monitoring the activities of our Social Media Communications Specialists. Good judgment in how the site is being referred to and represented at other sites is what we seek from our Social Media Managers, in addition to those managers overseeing our Social Media Research Specialists. We are about to embark upon building the biggest Social Media department of any fan football site on the web. Be a part of something special that has never been done!

Editor Mike Merrell
Human Resources: The need here is huge, but experience is not, although it would be helpful. We wish to work closely with the University of Oregon and Lane Comm. College in creating internships, and coordinating with the different departments at UO/Lane. We will also be reaching out to organizations of the retired to help find talented people who want to “inform, entertain, and show the love” to our beloved Ducks as the rest of our staff does. Someone who wants to have fun with this position will have a blast in meeting people and enjoying the fellowship of others.
Photojournalism: This new department is going to be big before too long, as we want to organize our growing photo archive. FishDuck needs managers to help oversee the work of photojournalist archivist interns. Common sense is important, but if you have data base and photo experience there would less to learn up-front. This department is growing and is in great need of management and someone who is a take-charge type and likes to see things organized. (Mr. FishDuck himself has been juggling this dept. and between it and the rest of the site … help!)

Dr. Jacob Driesen
Video Archivist: We are about to revamp our Video Section, The FishTank, into something the college football web world has not seen. We need help in finding and loading the incredible videos that everyone loves into this one location for ALL Oregon fans. The work is not hard, but with your help it will turn into something very, very unique for all our feathered friends to enjoy. This position best fits someone who is somewhat tech-literate. We don’t need an expert, but if you can’t roam the web, do email, or copy & paste, then the other positions might suit you better. (But if you can do basic stuff…we would love to have your help!)
Sales Management: FishDuck needs you!! Charles Fischer personally handles this area, and what needs be done requires the efforts of more than one person. We sell advertising, and our rates are incredibly cheap and easy to sell. We are looking for individuals that have 4-6 hours a week to help sell and also to counsel other young interns who want to gain experience. Sales experience is required, and Mr. FishDuck will share his knowledge of 29 years in the field as well. So many businesses would want exposure the 100,000+ Oregon visitors to our site every month, if only they knew about FishDuck.com! We pay commission on all up-front and renewing ads, and this work will help the site grow (revenue goes to web expenses), and help worthy companies reach the discerning Oregon fans that come to this site.

Coach Luke Roth
How do I apply? Simply email me, Charles Fischer, at Charles@fishduck.com and tell me which position you are interested in (please be specific), and any experience you have in that area. Send along your email address and cell phone number, and if you have a resume’ then please send it along in the email.
What if I am not retirement age? Every one of all ages is invited to help, and please get in touch with us if you would like to volunteer some of your time each week. We have had volunteers from age 17 to coaches in their 70s making an impact on this site, and this time I thought I would put a special appeal to those retired since we have been so fortunate with those retired volunteers who have given their time to help other Oregon fans learn. So if you can spare some time? Join the team at FishDuck.com and be a part of something special!
Oh how we love to learn about our Beloved Ducks,
Charles Fischer (FishDuck)

Oh yeah…he needs help!
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Charles Fischer has been an intense fan of the Ducks, a season ticket holder at Autzen Stadium for 38 years and has written reports on football boards for over 26 years. Known as “FishDuck” on those boards, he is acknowledged for providing intense detail in his scrimmage reports, and in his Xs and Os play analyses. He is single, has a daughter Christine, and resides in Eugene Oregon where he was a Financial Advisor for 36 years.
He now focuses full-time on Charitable Planned Giving Workshops for churches and non-profit organizations in addition to managing his two Oregon Football Websites, of FishDuck.com and the Our Beloved Ducks forum. He is a busy man!
He does not profess to be a coach or analyst, but simply a “hack” that enjoys sharing what he has learned and invites others to correct or add to this body of Oregon Football! See More…