Utah GameDay Thread: Is Pursuing the Playoffs a Crock?

Charles Fischer, Mr. FishDuck Editorials

Depending upon the outcome of today’s game–the discussion of this topic might be moot for this year, but it is really something for the fans and the Oregon Athletic Administration to seriously ponder in the offseason. But before we delve into that serious topic, don’t forget to also use this thread at the forum to discuss the game before it begins, and during the game and of course afterward as well.

It feels like we’re being set-up with the Playoff Illusion, because only in rare circumstances can it actually occur for Our Beloved Ducks. Most sportsbooks, including many pay per head sportsbooks, had lowered the odds on Oregon making the CFB Playoffs. We have been shocked in the last week as the Playoff Committee is not always going to honor the head-to-head meetings and it was already discussed on the Playoff show how Ohio State’s strength of schedule could end up much higher than Oregon’s and thus takes the Ducks’ spot at No. 3?

So let me see if I have this straight? If we play a tough team in the early nonconference schedule like Auburn in 2019 and lose…that is held against Oregon no matter what? Yet if the Ducks beat the Buckeyes for the first time in 100 years on their home field–that will not count either? So why are we playing those big nonconference games?

So, this did not matter?

Let’s say we schedule easier non-conference games and end up 12-0; would that be respected any more than Cincinnati’s schedule is right now? So a weak schedule would be held against us too?

But wait; under Mario Cristobal Oregon has never won all the games they should, and frankly probably never will. Not just because of coaching, but because of human nature. Even if Oregon had overcome the Cardinal, then the Ducks would be undefeated, No. 2 in the country and full-of-themselves. They surely would have lost to a different team along the way, in my humble opinion.
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So, it does not appear to be any way the Ducks can come out of this with a clear path to the Playoffs. Being undefeated is an unreasonable goal, and even if the impossible was achieved–it would be dismissed on ESPN as “out-west.” Hence why it all feels like “a crock” to me, even though we may still be in the running after Saturday.

While this “Scoop and Score” by Brady Breeze will always be a fan favorite, just getting to the Rose Bowl is fun for all.

In my view the only solution is the 12 team Playoff with a guaranteed spot for the Pac-12 Conference winner. It would make pursuing the Rose Bowl fun again!

“Oh, how we love to ponder about Our Beloved Ducks!”

Charles Fischer   (Mr. FishDuck)
Eugene, Oregon
Top Photo by CFB Playoff Twitter

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