‘If You’re Scared Your Coach is Leaving…’

Don Marsh Editorials

I want to take a moment to make sure everyone realizes just how special Coach Dan Lanning’s response was to the speculation of him taking the opening at Alabama for the HC job replacing Nick Saban.

We all know what standard operating procedure is here for coaches and athletic programs; no immediate response. Then words to the effect of, “…I have had no personal contact from anyone regarding this situation.” Then, more delay with more non-committal responses all the while leveraging the situation for a renegotiated contract. We have all had the “opportunity” to “experience” this phenomenon at Oregon…more than once, in fact.

That is not what happened. DL’s response was immediate, clear, and concise.

I know Utki (in the OBD forum) made the point that no offer was made. The point is, Lanning didn’t wait for that.

Folks, this just doesn’t happen. This isn’t just any job,…this is Alabama. Of course, no one knows what’s down the road. But right now, in this moment, we should all take a second to embrace this. This just doesn’t happen. This is special.

But wait, it gets even better. Coach Lanning is so savvy and forward thinking that he seized the moment and turned into a recruiting bonanza. “If you think your coach is going somewhere…” Can you imagine how this will resonate in any number of living rooms with parents and grandparents? I can. Off the charts.

Mr. FishDuck was blown away by the concept of how this is a new recruiting selling point that did not even exist five years ago as a factor with the top programs. Players on the best teams want stability, and for most of these programs–there has not been much. Oregon has not been able to sell the “stability” element since Mike Bellotti was coach, and not only was that stability great for the players–that consistent coaching staff won more games by staying in Eugene.

This new/old selling point from Coach Lanning will resonate with all the signed and verbaled four-star and five-star recruits. Bottom line, they want to know they have made a good choice, and that they can count on what they have been told. Cut to the Dan Lanning video, recruits and parents!

I had said in an earlier piece that, despite the two gut-punch loses, this was a season for the ages. I am going to consider this a pretty good bookend to it. Thanks, and a shout-out to DrJackPlaidPants in the forum for the Clay Travis post…an immediate classic. Perfect.

Give me your response to what Coach Lanning did in the only civilized, free Oregon Football Message Board (forum) for Duck fans.

Go Ducks.

Don Marsh
Eugene, Oregon
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New 2024 FishDuck Publishing Schedule….

During the off-season the FishDuck.com publishing schedule will consist of articles on Mondays and Tuesdays. Do keep checking as new articles could be published during the week when a writer has something to say.

In mid-August of 2024, we will go back to the seven-days-a-week of articles during the football season as we did in the football season of 2023.

The Our Beloved Ducks Forum (OBD) is where we we discuss the article above and many more topics, as it is so much easier in a message board format over there.  At the free OBD forum we will be posting Oregon Sports article links, the daily Press Releases from the Athletic Department and the news coming out every day.

Our 33 rules at the free OBD Forum can be summarized to this: 1) be polite and respectful, 2) do not tell anyone what to think, feel or write, and 3) no reference of any kind to politics. Easy-peasy!

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