Oregon Fans Reappraise Expectations, or NOT?

Charles Fischer, Mr. FishDuck Editorials

I write this going into midnight after the game, and I am a muttering-mass-of-protoplasm. I am happy to win, I am frustrated with the mistakes, I am delighted with the progression of the team, but I am disappointed…as it dawns on all of us that this team is not as good as we hoped. Had we lost, I would have spent a ton of time looking at the Football lines to get my mind off Oregon football, but thankfully we are 2-0!  

Well, that and I’m glad I held off hitting the tasty Oregon Craft Beer IPAs until I was done writing my thoughts…

Upset With the Offense?

There was better run-blocking, and in the second half they protected Dillon Gabriel better. But technically, the offense only scored three TDs and a Field Goal as they did last week. The other two scores came from the Special Teams, of which is very rare.  In short, I wanted the Ducks to attack BSU with our wide receivers, as I felt their defensive backs would have trouble staying with the Duck receivers. Oregon was better at connecting with them, but there is so much upside yet to be realized.

After last week, I felt the offense would be a gradual improvement over the season, and I think we saw that against the Broncos. But two fumbles that stopped drives and gave short fields to Boise State had nothing to do with the offensive line. Hang onto the ball and the game is much different, as Oregon would have been up two touchdowns early in the fourth quarter. New problems to solve, but Dillon Gabriel did not throw any interceptions, and I applaud the ball security in that area.

Every defensive play mattered in such a close game, such as this tipped pass by Jamaree Caldwell. (Photo by Craig Strobeck)

Depending on the Defense?

I believe this can become a very good defense, but damn.…giving up 34 points to a Group-of-Five team? While I acknowledge how well their quarterback played, their punter, and that All-World Running Back…Oregon should have won easily in the trenches as they did against Liberty last December. The trenches are the major difference in Top-10 teams versus the rest of college football.  It is hard to recruit players like Jamaree Caldwell, Derrick Harmon and Jordan Burch. But did they dominate as you thought they would?

What Do the Fans Do NOW?

Yes, the big THUD heard outside Lane County last night was the team and the fans coming back to earth. This team can develop into ‘Natty contender, but it is a long path of progress facing Oregon. Or as we fans know, the team may never reach its potential. So my curiosity now is with the fans; how are you going to go forward cheering for the 2024 Oregon Football Team?

  • Are you out?
  • Taking this team with indifference?
  • Protecting your heart by lowering expectations by four wins or more?

Jordan James had more running room in the second half. (Photo by Craig Strobeck)

May I suggest that since there is so much talent that has yet to gel, this is the time to rally behind the team, and give them the extra energy to help push them forward. I am sure they know that wins are now going to have to be fought and scratched for, consequently I think you are going to see a ton of heart from this team because they want to accomplish so much. Loyalty is a virtue for a reason, so stay with this team, and give your all as a fan as they will on the playing field.

We will break down more for you this week on FishDuck.com, and discuss it all in the only civilized and free Oregon football forum because…

“Oh, how we love to ponder Our Beloved Ducks!”

Charles Fischer   (Mr. FishDuck)
Eugene, Oregon
Top Photo by Craig Strobeck

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