“Show Me the Money”…is NIL the END of it?

Charles Fischer, Mr. FishDuck Editorials

Jon Joseph‘s article yesterday got me to pondering about the whole, “income-for-the-college-athlete” situation, and I recalled how last summer at this time–players in the Pac-12 were making a number of demands and the discussion was going to include a piece of the athletic pie (budget) going to them. Then COVID cancelled the season and it all was forgotten, but at …

IMPROVED Oregon Teams Due to UNINTENDED NIL Consequences?

Charles Fischer, Mr. FishDuck Editorials

Trust me, the title is not “Bait-and-Switch,” and you will need to hear me out on this. First of all, we have not done a single “bait-and-switch” type title in nine years; in the early days of the site I did not know better and made that mistake. Now, all our titles tell Google what the article is about and …