Heineman Hammers Portland for Ducks 4-1 Win!

Josh Schlichter FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

Well, the rich get richer as Scott Heineman continued his hot streak on Tuesday afternoon as the outfielder came up with another great performance against Portland.  Fresh off a 7-for-16, 6 RBI week, Heineman actually won the game for the Ducks this time around.  With the scored tied at one run apiece in the top of the ninth, Heineman hit …

Ducks Impress in Field Events at John Knight Twilight

Bryan Holt Editorials

Monmouth, OR: The Ducks’ women’s track and field team came into the week ranked second in the nation, looking to continue their success. The team has made quite the impression lately, and on Friday it was the Ducks in the field events who really made an impact. Laura Bobek shined the most with a victory in the women’s discus competition.  The junior Oregonian won with …

Oregon’s Mystery Men Linebacking Corps Will “Sink to the level of its preparation” – and that’s a good thing

Sean Goodbody Fish Reports

Here’s what we know about the 2013 version of Oregon’s defensive line (Hart, Keliikipi, Heimuli, Armstead, Buckner):  the group is likely top-ten nationally. Here’s what we know about the 2013 version of Oregon’s defensive backfield (Ifo, Patterson, Mitchell, Hill, Jackson, Dargan):  the group is likely top-five nationally. Here’s what we know about the 2013 version of Oregon’s  middle linebacking group …

Baseball Analysis: Brett Thomas Makes Pitchers Work

Victor Flores Coach's Opinion

Brett Thomas is a fantastic lead-off hitter.  This might seem hard to believe, given that his batting average is a good but not great .291, and he only has five stolen bases in 34 games, but he possesses one trait that is vital in the lead-off spot: patience. Thomas has a .399 on-base percentage (OBP) this season, which would be …

Oregon Recruiting Manifesto Part 6: A Recruiting Blueprint

Chris Charbonnier FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

This multi-week series will attempt to take a reasonable, logical and unbiased look at Oregon’s recent recruiting successes and failures while analyzing the program’s recruiting philosophy under Chip Kelly.  The series will then look at how that philosophy already has and may continue to evolve under Mark Helfrich before ending with a detailed breakdown of the author’s ideal recruiting blueprint. …

Three Rivalries That Need to Start

Brandon Gruber FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

Feature Photo by Kevin Cline   Rivalries are the best part of sports.  The Passion.  The Intensity.  The Hatred. We all love to hate the Huskies and poke fun at the Beavers (and their stupid new logo), but don’t we all watch a game and say, “I want to play that team?”  What if we could actually get teams to Autzen …

Ducks Lacrosse: Saving the Best for Last

Lauren LaBar FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

Our women’s lacrosse team is rolling into the end of their season with monumental success.  Last week freshman Carly O’Connell was awarded the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Rookie of the Week and junior Shannon Propst set a new career record of five goals in one game against Fresno State.  The Ducks ended their match on Wednesday against the Bulldogs with …

Notes From Around The College Football Nation: Johnny Football is back and Nebraska shows support

Jeff Hostetler FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

Spring games are happening yet it still does not fill my craving for college football.  Glorified scrimmages will just have to do for now.  The major news is Johnny Football is back on twitter and Jadeveon Clowney is out with an injury.  I imagine the Clowney news will make major headlines since he is the next big thing for the …

Duck Bats Blast Bears Out of The Park

Josh Schlichter FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

  After struggling to put together consecutive hits earlier in the year, Oregon’s offensive stock has been rising for the past four weeks or so.  On Saturday night, Scott Heineman and the previously “nerfed” Oregon bats pummeled the Cal pitching staff to the tune of four homeruns, to give the #16 Ducks a 10-4 win. After pushing across five runs …

Receiving Corps Thinning, Opportunities Rising

Joel Gunderson FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

When the news arrived Friday that Dwayne Stanford, the lanky, 6’5″ true sophomore receiver, was going under the knife to fix a potentially serious knee injury, panic began to spread amongst the Oregon faithful.  With Mark Helfrich now leading the charge, it’s expected that the Ducks could be looking to the air more this season, which will require the receivers to …

“42” and Other Numbers of Cinematic Import

Kim Hastings FishWrap, FishWrap Archive

I’m taking my wife to see “42” tonight.  The “based on history” story of racial strife, cultural change and baseball in the late 40’s is right in my strike zone.  Of course, I’ve never spent two consecutive hours rooting for the Dodger, but that’s a story for another day.   Thinking about this movie brought me to mind of other …